Les journées du Centre Blaise Pascal

The slides of the talks can be now downloaded from the Program page

Location : Conference room (LR6 C 023), Centre Blaise Pascal, ENS de Lyon

Blaise Pascal Center is a place of conference, research and training for the Rhône-Alpes region in the field of modeling and numerical simulation covering hard sciences, bio-sciences & health, social sciences, applied mathematics, computer  science, and engineering. The "Journées du Centre Blaise Pascal", regularly organized by and for the numerics community in Lyon are a meeting whose purpose is to weld this community.

The topics covered during these meetings are varied and cover topics in a multi-disciplinary perspective: around a common broad theme, we introduce several researchers (at least 3) in different areas. Until now, these meetings brought together mathematicians, astrophysicists, physicists, physical chemists, chemists, biochemists, biologists and computer scientists who came from the ENSL, UCBL, CNRS, IBCP and the Ecole Centrale de Lyon.

The thematic we propose in the present meeting is Data Analysis and Modeling in Life Sciences (medical imaging, biomolecular spectroscopy, natural sounds, biodiversity, epidemics, genomics...). Statistical tools and models to analyze such data can be quite different in communities of computer scientists, physicists or chemists.




Confirmed speakers

Jerome Sueur (Muséum nationald d'Histoire naturelle, Paris) Analysis of massive acoustic sampling (in ecology)

Jerome Sueur (Muséum nationald d'Histoire naturelle, Paris)  & Stéphane Dray (Lyon 1) R: a free software platform for statistical computing and myriads of other stuff

David Sarrut (Creatis, Lyon) Simulations for radiation therapy

Torsten Herrmann (CRMN, Lyon) NMR experiment-driven modeling of biological macromolecules

Vittoria Colizza (INSERM, Paris) Fighting infectious diseases in a complex world

Franck Picard (Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive, Lyon) Statistical and computational challenges for population-based segmentation of copy-number profiles

Sam Meyer (INSA de Lyon) A pinch of salt on your DNA?


Organizing committee

  • Claire Loison, Institut Lumiere Matiere, UCBL-CNRS, France
  • Paul Fleurat-Lessard, Laboratoire de Chimie, ENS de Lyon, France
  • Cerasela CalugaruCBP, ENS de Lyon, France

Administrative Coordination

  • Samantha Barendson, CBP, ENS de Lyon, France


  • CBP - Centre Blaise Pascal
  • FLMSN - Fédération Lyonnaise de Modélisation et Sciences Numériques
  • ENS de Lyon
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